Monday, March 7, 2011

The project

I had a friend of mine tell me that she was so excited to be 30. I teased her a little and she told me why 30 was so great.

Being 30 ment stability, and the knowledge that was gained over the past few years. There was no more being unsure of who she was. A new person had developed that was amazing, and she loved herself for that.

In light of myself turning 30 this year I am taking on a project that I think will really put real life into perspective. Being afraid of getting old is no more. I want to look forward and see what is ahead. What we all have to look forward to.

I want to select several women, and really show case them. I want to show off who they are and where they have been. What they have been doing to get themselves to this wonderful time in life. We will talk about careers, and struggle that they have over come. Their families that may or may not be growing.

In order for this to work I need women who are willing to share!!! I want to do a photo shoot with them. To show you are still sexy at any age.

If you want to participate please e-mail me at

I can't wait to see how wonderful you all are!!!



  1. What a great idea! I'll email you, but I warn you, I don't think I'm sexy nice thing about being 30 (31 this month) is that I don't NEED to be sexy to love myself! :-)

    Anyway, I'll email you!:-)

  2. This is really neat! I had a friend who turned 30 and was quite depressed about it. I just turned 30 and so far it's been ok. I hope you'll share the women's stories because I think it will be neat to see others perspectives on turning 30. Good luck with this!!!

  3. I heard about your blog via your sister Leslie. Sounds like a fun idea! Is this for women in the Utah area? How far are you willing to travel? Or do they have to travel to you for your project? Would you like to fly out to Germany when I turn 30 in two more years? ;) Are you doing women from ages 31-39 as well? Or just 30 years old? Let me know so I know which friends to share your blog address with ;)

  4. Correction: I meant to write that I heard about your blog via your sister-in-law Leslie ;) I'm sure you knew who I was referring to. But just incase you also have a sister Leslie you know exactly which Leslie I'm talking about ;)

  5. found your site through leslie.
    i'm fast approaching 30, and think this is a great idea! i'm looking forward to following you and seeing how it all unfolds.

  6. Brittany, I would totally love to come to Germany, I will start saving now. If I happen to be traveling I would set some time aside, and will post my travel plans prior to. As far as ages go I am up for any women in their 30's. So please let them all know.

  7. If you're looking for a fun and newly 30 photographer - Kristen Ising - Studio Lush in Pleasant Grove. Amazing stuff! And, she's pretty awesome!

  8. Ok - I let my 30 year old girl friends know :)
