Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Earning your stripes!

(Pardon my french)
As most of you I love pintrest! On Friday I had a short conversation about how my sister in law is counting on getting stretch marks after having her babies. She and my brother are far from that part in their life, but I couldn't help recall a wonderful poem that I read on being reminded of every moment that little one spent inside of you. Again today I read this and it reminded me that even though that bikini doesn't look so hot anymore despite the hard work put into renewing your stomach muscles. You earned every one of them, and they should remind you that those precious people need you more than ever. They need guidence and protection, and you are the one they need it from. Happy Tuesday everyone!

disclaimer, sorry if you are bothered by the language. I debated to post it, but decided that the quote itself is more inspiring and you should just beep if it bothers you, as it did me.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Quote of the day!

" The hardest part of ending, is starting again"

author unkown