Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Still in LOVE

The other day me and my sister where talking with my Mom.  I had found some old pictures of my father from when he was a lot younger.  We where talking and teasing about how my Mom and Dad fell in love.  She was got a little funny all of the sudden and said, "You know I didn't fall in love with your father for his looks, I fell in love with the man he was."  You know when your voice cracks and you have that holding back tears feeling.  She was doing just that.   They really have kind of a sweet story about how they fell in love.  And I thought how sweet it was to see her still a little swoony over him. What great examples I have for marriage in my parents.  They have always loved each other so much and apparently still do.

I have been married for 10 years, have 5 children that make feeling butterflies a little difficult.  I was lucky enough to get to feel that a few days ago.  I was teasing him in the halls at church (of all places) and kissed him, I may have blushed a little.  I do still kind of like him.

It truly made me think about how much I love him and why I fell in love with him.  Think about it ladies it may make you blush..

(sorry momma!  I know it isn't your best but it is the only one I had.  love you both so much)