Monday, February 27, 2012

Hip to be Square!

So I am driving in my car and hear a song come on the radio. I glance down to see who is on the radio and see this flash across LMFAO....? So me being a mother that is really out of the loop of what is cool. I proceed to sound out the work, and pronounce it. Soon it clicks that this is not a word, but an actual band. So I have to call my younger brother who is up to par on his pop culture. High School students always are. And ask what song that band sings that I know. So he says, "Sexy and I know it?" and I proceed to sing the chorus. He busts up laughing at me and my fine rendition of the song that I have only heard on the half time show at the Super Bowl. So needless to say I am so "HIP TO BE SQUARE" Or more or less a big square.

But guess what I am totally ok with that. I tried to watch the music video and made as far as the removal of the spandex. After that I was EWWWWW! And turned it off. To be honest, I am more worried about what my daughter does and doesn't know about S-E-X.

Channel 5 just did a story about what kids need to be talked about. Birds and the Bees are far from what the talk needs to be about according to them. What your kiddos can get to on the computer is a problem. Explaining to them what is and isn't appropriate to look at is a whole new topic.

My darling daughter saw a music video that made her just squirm. I am so glad to know that it was a simple march around the house in ones undies in the video that made her uncomfortable, but man.... Why???

This topic was not ment to go this direction, but it did and it is something I feel so strongly about. Keeping my babies pure for as long as possible is a must.

What are your thoughts on this?

Monday, February 20, 2012

Laugh to keep from crying!

This morning was to say the least an eventful one. I was making breakfast and since it was a no school day we took the extra time to make pancakes. I found this great receipe on line that had oatmeal in it and everything else you would put in a pancake to make it fluff up pretty like. Since it had oatmeal in it, it also called for a food processor. Well I commence to use my smoothie maker due to the fact that it is easier to clean. That was my first mistake. Well I had put the flour in first and it got stuck, so I decided to give the blender a little shake. Boy was that a bad idea. Baking soda, baking powder and liquid I bet you can guess what happened next. I had a huge EXPLOSION. Not just the little kind that you wipe up with a paper towel. But the type that goes up your cupboards, and down your cupboards, mostly though all over you. There I was standing there with a blender lid still spinning, and I am still not sure where the actual cup went. Even better my one year old daughter was standing there watching the whole time. And the moment it happened she looks up at me and goes, "Dangit!" And proceeds to cry. At this point I have two options to get mad??? Or to laugh.... I choose the later. I was covered from about by nose to the bottom of my pregnant belly... How could one not laugh. In the past I think I would have gotten upset. My two oldest have been the victim of an angry Mom when a cup takes a tumble. I have since learned that "Dangit!" and grabbing a paper towel is a much better way to react. A recent quote I read has really made the way that I react, turn something that could have taken a turn for the worse into a healing medicine.

“The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache.” ― Marjorie Pay Hinckley

Perspective is the only way to turn a potentially bad situation into something that could teach, or even better build a childs self esteem.
This woman was a great example in the way she lived her life. She was married to a very busy man who on many occasions has inspired me and many others. I hope only to raise my children to understand that they are loved. That are worth more than the world tells them. That they realize that a spill can be cleaned up, even if it is the 10th time you have done it that day. Your words are worth gold to them. Choosing to build them up instead of tear them down can help them to face the world with a whole new light.

I had a darling friend of mine send me a card several months ago. It ment more to me than she could ever know. I had been working on just this very thing. She so thoughtfully reminded me that I could do just that.

She was my roommate and had borrowed a pair of my jeans. That evening she had gone roller skating with some friends of ours and well we have all been roller skating before and know very well that wheels on the bottom of our feet isn't always the best idea. My jeans soon became shorts. What she thanked me for was not getting mad. To be honest I hadn't even remember the incident. Pants are just pants. Things are just that, THINGS. The relationships we create with those we love will last so much longer than a simple pair of jeans. A mess can be cleaned up, but a mean comment can last forever.

If any of you are perfect at this, I commend you. I know in my own life that I have had to repair many hurt feelings. So I will leave you with this,

"People won't remember what you say or what you do, but they will always remember the way they make you feel."

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Love Day!

"As I have loved you, love one another"

Said our dear Savior Jesus Christ...