Wednesday, March 30, 2011


This is my good friend Evelyn. She is someone that I have a great deal of respect for. She has the cutest kids ever. They are also super polite, and always have a hug for you. Her life is a stressful and busy one, but yet she still seems to have time to talk, and listen. Thank You so much for your support in this, I hope you all find what she has to say as interesting as I do.

Let me start by saying that I wasn't thrilled about turning 30 in the months leading up to it. Neither was my daughter. She suggested that perhaps I get so many migraines because I'm almost 30, and at 30 years of age I'll "almost be a grandma.". Nice. Thankfully she doesn't understand exactly what would have to happen for me to become a grandma, and she ain't about to know anytime soon. So anyway, the actual day of my 30th birthday wasn't that big of a deal. Just another day, you know? I kept telling people I was 29 cause I forgot, just like happens every year. In the (almost) year since then, I've noticed things about myself...things that have changed, and for the better! Here's a sampling:
  • I don't care what others think HALF as much as I used to. I used to worry that my house wasn't clean enough for others, that my hair wasn't cute enough for others, that my chemical-free yard had too many weeds for my neighbors' taste (which is true, by the way, my neighbor told me himself!) Now, I worry about my house being clean enough for ME and my kids. I still worry, but the focus is much closer to where it needs to be.
  • I'm more self-accepting. Am I a sexy 30 year old? Probably not. Do I like myself anyway? Absolutely! I think I'm to an age that looks don't matter as much to me as health, and I see my body more as a beautiful, wonderful gift from God that I need to take care of because I'm grateful for it, NOT because I wanna be sexy or hot or whatever.
  • I have a better idea of where I am in my life. After having my 2nd child, I was devastated to know that I wouldn't be able to have more children. I'm not going to lie, it SUCKED. It still sucks, whenever I see a cute little bundle of joy being held by a new mom. But you know something? I don't have to wonder when I'll have another child. I don't have to wonder what stage of my life I'm in. I am officially done with the having babies stage, and I know that for a surety. Believe it or not, there's a kind of a peace in knowing. In knowing, I am better able to focus on the stage that I KNOW I'm in, which is raising two beautiful, amazing children.
Those are a few changes I've seen in myself since (slowly but surely) becoming more mature. And when my 31st birthday comes this month, I'll be able to look at it as another opportunity to ponder my life, to see what I've accomplished, and to make goals for a wonderful year to come. Birthdays are a wonderful time of renewal to me, and I am ever-so excited to do it again! Evelyn

Monday, March 21, 2011


I just got back from my first ZUMBA class. I am red in the face and my legs feel like noodles. Most of the night I was doing my best to see the teacher and work the moves. I also was watching the little girl in front of me that had no qualms about shakin what her momma gave her. I thought she is just showing off, but really I was just jealous because she could move like I used to. So here is a challenge for all of you. Go try something new for you. Who really cares if the girl in front of you is better than you are. I am going back next week and I tell you what, I am gonna shake it, even if it ain't pretty!

Monday, March 7, 2011

The project

I had a friend of mine tell me that she was so excited to be 30. I teased her a little and she told me why 30 was so great.

Being 30 ment stability, and the knowledge that was gained over the past few years. There was no more being unsure of who she was. A new person had developed that was amazing, and she loved herself for that.

In light of myself turning 30 this year I am taking on a project that I think will really put real life into perspective. Being afraid of getting old is no more. I want to look forward and see what is ahead. What we all have to look forward to.

I want to select several women, and really show case them. I want to show off who they are and where they have been. What they have been doing to get themselves to this wonderful time in life. We will talk about careers, and struggle that they have over come. Their families that may or may not be growing.

In order for this to work I need women who are willing to share!!! I want to do a photo shoot with them. To show you are still sexy at any age.

If you want to participate please e-mail me at

I can't wait to see how wonderful you all are!!!
