Saturday, March 10, 2012

The big REVEAL!

A few months back my hubby and I took off for a day or two to visit his brother in Texas. I was acting a little funny on the trip. I was eating everything in sight. Seriously I made them stop and buy me a sandwich at like 10 at night. So of course with my new appetite the jokes began. When we got home things took a turn for the worse. I got sick! Seriously sick.... Everything was nasty instead of being must eat must have now. I hate with all of heart those first few months of being pregnant and well it soon became very clear that my suspicions were real. I was PREGNANT! Not so much the how question came up as much as the why??? Who in their right mind would think it a good idea for a woman who has already been blessed with four kids need another? Someone did and finally I am excited. For the past few months I have dreaded...... what was to come. I wasn't pregnant, just growing fatter. Now my attitude has changed and I am ready embrace the crazy, embrace the new little person and love and squeeze it to pieces.

Now since I am truly certain this is the final baby that I will have to care for I figured I would try to do something fun. My family has been waiting for days for the fun game I had planned for the kids. Well my plan didn't go so well, but I did catch a few fun and funny(sad) moments and then went ahead with the diego shirt and tears due to a sticker and lost balloon. So with out prolonging the fun... Her is our big reveal.


  1. That is like the cutest thing I have ever seen! Congratulations for the 5th time:)

  2. So cute!!! I was thinking of doing something like this when when we find out what we are having. Maybe I should have you come do some pictures for us! Congratulations on the new little girl!

  3. Oh my gosh Sarah!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so so happy for you! Very cute pictures, like always :) You're so creative, and your kids are just adorable. This little girl will be no exception I'm sure. I also wanted to tell you that I LOVED your next post...the woman center post. Those pictures are just amazing and I loved all the description and words you put into it. You are so talented and I'm very blessed to have such an awesome cousin :)
