Monday, February 27, 2012

Hip to be Square!

So I am driving in my car and hear a song come on the radio. I glance down to see who is on the radio and see this flash across LMFAO....? So me being a mother that is really out of the loop of what is cool. I proceed to sound out the work, and pronounce it. Soon it clicks that this is not a word, but an actual band. So I have to call my younger brother who is up to par on his pop culture. High School students always are. And ask what song that band sings that I know. So he says, "Sexy and I know it?" and I proceed to sing the chorus. He busts up laughing at me and my fine rendition of the song that I have only heard on the half time show at the Super Bowl. So needless to say I am so "HIP TO BE SQUARE" Or more or less a big square.

But guess what I am totally ok with that. I tried to watch the music video and made as far as the removal of the spandex. After that I was EWWWWW! And turned it off. To be honest, I am more worried about what my daughter does and doesn't know about S-E-X.

Channel 5 just did a story about what kids need to be talked about. Birds and the Bees are far from what the talk needs to be about according to them. What your kiddos can get to on the computer is a problem. Explaining to them what is and isn't appropriate to look at is a whole new topic.

My darling daughter saw a music video that made her just squirm. I am so glad to know that it was a simple march around the house in ones undies in the video that made her uncomfortable, but man.... Why???

This topic was not ment to go this direction, but it did and it is something I feel so strongly about. Keeping my babies pure for as long as possible is a must.

What are your thoughts on this?

1 comment:

  1. I think it would be nice if we didn't need to have the sex talk with our kids so young, but unfortunately we don't have that luxury anymore. If they don't hear it from us they will hear it from someone else and that someone else won't be able to deliver it quite like you will. I like how my sister (who has a six year old) put it- if YOU are the ones that teach them about sex you can make sure that not only do they learn what it is, but also that it is not just a dirty word but that it is a special and sacred gift that Heavenly Father wants only husbands and wifes to share only with each other. I also like that if it is you that talks about it with your kids they will then know that they can come directly to you when they have more questions about it later (because they WILL have questions later). Your conversation with them can help them see sex as special, not dirty. Then they will hopefully have a stronger conviction to keep themselves pure through their quickly approaching teenage years.

    Wow, that was a mouthful. Didn't realize I had so much to say on the subject.
