Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Last week while working I wound up on a wild goose chase. I finally stopped and asked for directions with hopes that this person would be kind enough to just let me photograph at their beautiful orchard. To my dismay I received and "absolutely not!" So with my angry customer in tow I walked away frustrated. We were running out of day light and options. After knocking on another door with no one home, I caught sight of this silo. A little farm that screamed personality. I reluctantly knocked on the door and asked my question. My soared when the answer came. Not annoyed mind you, but cheerful and excited. That someone might want to use their little plot of land for pictures. It was a far cry from the angry patron. Gratefully I worked and got beautiful pictures to show for it.

So I ask this questions why is being kind important? You feel good when you are kind. You feel good when you can help someone out. It all works out that people even like you more.

To really enforce this good gesture of strangers, just yesterday a woman with a large cart of groceries allowed me to go ahead of her with my one item. She could see I was in a hurry and wasn't going to take long so she looked and me and said, "you just have one thing why don't you go." I was happy as a clam because I was running late to pick up one of my children. By her good gesture I was there on time.

So farmer who let me use you charming farm, and sweet lady at Target. Thank You for showing that kindness has not failed us. That small acts really do make a big deal....

Now do something kind today. Pay attention, and make it count.


  1. Sarah I am so sorry about the orchid. I feel like such a jerk. I bet that was a total pain in the butt. I feel so bad that I missed your call.

  2. I was no problem. In fact it was better this way. I can't wait to follow you to the real one with the nice people. I have some fun plans...
